Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And it just feels good when you're next to me.

Where to begin? The past few months have been strange. Working full time at the conservatory and part time at the museum have basically become my life... leaving very few moments for myself. I thought charging head first into work would be easy as long as I focused on the benefits. Before I started all of this, I dreamt of free evenings full of city outings and books and home-cooked meals. No more worries about papers or exams.

Reality set in all too quickly though. I often found myself asleep in front of the tv by 10 o'clock. Embarassing, yes? But it turns out working 45 hours a week is exhausting and also, a major bummer for my social life. But finally! ... I see the light at the end of the tunnel. My internship is almost over and at the end of the month, I'll be leaving for my trip... That's right. I shall be frolicking through Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Bratislava. Perfection.

Most importantly, good weather has finally found me and the sunshine has motivated me to wake up from my zombie-like state and really live again. So lately I've been filling my days with long walks, bike rides, kayaking, salsa classes, yoga and anything else my little heart desires. All of this has resulted in a much improved disposition. But I've also come to realize, that I need to write. I need to discuss my day, what I dream of, what inspires me, what I've learned... I need to empty my head somewhere. So here I am. Ready to blog.

I'm not sure what this will become but I'm awfully excited.



toast said...

Welcome to the blogging world! :) Or, welcome back if you've returned after a long hiatus. :)

45 hours a week is exhausting for sure, but your reward for sticking it through (an epic journey of sorts) is definitely something to look forward to.

Kenna Elizabeth said...

*VERY* inspiring post!